Volunteers in Cape Verde ...... page 2

Two volunteers in São Nicolau showing 
off some of their students' AIDS Day posters..
A PCV working with special needs children
A former PCV (in the middle), with two former PCV's boyfriends, Zé and Victor PCVs celebrating Thanksgiving 2000 at another volunteer's house in Fogo
Two of our older volunteers Three volunteers taking a break
Some volunteers taking a photo break in Senegal Riding in a HIACE --  the most common form of transportation in Cape Verde
Temby, a former PCV standing in the middle of the market in Assomada, Santiago Former PCVs (and a CVean boyfriend) at a volunteer's house in Tarrafal
Temby with her soccer team in Praia The 2000 Education Training Group
Are they really in the PEACE CORPS?? On the way to a relaxing day at the beach
A great photo op before we hit the beach!

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