Cape Verde in Pictures
Gamboa Beach, home of the big "Gamboa Music Festival" in May  One of the beaches in Praia, called "Prainha"
A view of Gamboa from the other side A view of the islet that housed the prison a ong time ago in Praia.
A view of the black-sand beach in Pedra Badejo (my old site) A view of Cidade Velha, the "Oldest City", just outside of Praia
Where "grogue" is made, on the island of Santiago. Grogue is made from distilled sugar cane. Some men distilling the squeezed sugar cane to make grogue.
The "machine" used to squeeze the sugar cane juice -- two bulls are strapped to the end of the curved pole, then walk in a circle as the sugar cane is place in the middle, to be squeezed. Another view of the trapiche, or "machine" to make grogue
After the sugar cane is squeezed, it needs fermented... A closer view of the bulls hooked up to the trapiche
The Catholic Church in Cidade Velha, the "Oldest City" A look at the whole grogue operation from afar
A view from a rural area on the island of Santiago, called "Hortelão". There is a volunteer living here.  Some girls in Hortelão  carrying water on their heads.
Some women from the village of Hortelão.  Some children sitting in front of a door with a chicken.
Some of the neighborhood children in front of my old house, in Pedra Badejo. Looking inside a normal pre-school in Cape Verde.
A group of primary school students during an interview they held with a fisherman for Science class. A typical peek at the CVean bathroom (these are primary school kids)
Scenery of a huge crater I hiked in Santo Antão in 2001. A view of the same crater, from another side
A picture of the post office in Sal -- all the post office buildings in Cape Verde look like this one. A view of the island Sal, the moust touristy island
Another view of Sal, looking towards the beach from the water Some women "playing" the batuque -- one of the oldest CVean dances, done by women.

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