Michelle at Home and Work

Projects: Earth Day 2001  ~~   Earth Day 2002

My house the first 2 years, in Pedra Badejo.  I lived in the bottom portion...  A look at the tiny, tiny kitchen I had to deal with for the first two years.....
My first Christmas A picture of one of the many VERY large spiders I co-habitated with for two years in the house in Pedra Badejo
This is what my school looked like when I first taught there.  It has now been painted and looks much better.  What the view from the school looked like when I first moved to Pedra Badejo in 1999.  There is now a new school to the left.
Me teachingan 8th grade classat the end of my first year Teaching the same class
Me with two of my students at a local hang-out  Me and my mom with Rosa, a kind old woman that lived up the hill from me
Some 10th grade students working on AIDS-Day posters An end-of-the-year party with my 10th grade students 
Me with some other PCVs before the 2001 AIDS Day march thrugh Pedra Badejo Me giving a training on life-skills to some host-country nationals
Another Volunteer (and fellow UD Alum), Patrick, at the same AIDS-Day project Me with some students in praia for an AIDS-Day project
Me at my desk at Pro-Ensino, where I worked my 3rd year - in Praia